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Team Members

秦菀憶 Irene

秦菀憶 Irene

主任暨護理師 Director/RN

秦菀憶擔任樂欣日照(西門)主任一職並指導中心日常運營、評鑑與核銷作業。Irene serves as the director of LOVE&JOY (XIMEN). She directs day-to-day operations, evaluation and write-off.

林思潔 Ssu-Chieh

林思潔 Ssu-Chieh

社會工作師 Certified Social Worker

林思潔擔任樂欣日間照顧中心(西門)社工師一職,主要協助提供個案諮詢與評估。Ssu-Chieh serves as a certified social worker for LOVE&JOY (XIMEN) and primarily provides counseling and psychosocial assessments.

李明璋 Jerry

李明璋 Jerry

運營經理暨園藝治療師 Manager/HT

李明璋在樂欣負責行政管理,並指導樂欣的日常運營,協助為公司帶來增長和發展。As an operation manager Jerry directs day-to-day operations of LOVE&JOY and leads growth and development for the company.

胡淑琇 Shu-Hsiu

胡淑琇 Shu-Hsiu

護理師 Registered Nurse

胡淑琇擔任樂欣日照(西門)護理師並執行常規工作,如記錄生命跡象和給藥。Shu-Hsiu serves as the registered nurse for LOVE&JOY (XIMEN) and performs routine procedures such as recording vital signs.

秦岭岭 Ling-Ling

秦岭岭 Ling-Ling

照服員技術士 Certified Nursing Aide

秦岭岭在樂欣日間照顧中心(西門)擔任照顧服務員一職,主要協助體適能與認知活動引導、舞蹈教學、遊戲設計及中心活動與節目規劃。Ling-Ling serves as a certified nursing aide for LOVE&JOY (XIMEN).

邱敏甄 Min-Chen

邱敏甄 Min-Chen

兼任營養師 Adjunct Dietitian

邱敏甄為樂欣日間照顧中心兼任營養師,主要協助中心進行營養評估與監測,以及給予和執行膳食計畫。Min-Chen serves as the adjunct dietitian for LOVE&JOY and performs nutritional assessment and monitoring.

陳惠怡 Hui-Yi

陳惠怡 Hui-Yi

護理師 Registered Nurse

陳惠怡為樂欣帶來13年的內科病房護理經驗。她擔任樂欣日間照顧中心(西門)護理師一職。Hui-Yi brings 13 years of medical ward experiences to LOVE&JOY. She serves as the registered nurse for L&J (XIMEN).

柯碧琪 Bi-Ci

柯碧琪 Bi-Ci

照服員技術士 Certified Nursing Aide

柯碧琪在樂欣日間照顧中心(西門)擔任照顧服務員一職,其工作職責涵蓋日常生活照顧與認知活動引導。Bi-Ci serves as a certified nursing aide for LOVE&JOY (XIMEN). Her job duties involve care of daily living.

江巧涵 Chiao-Han

江巧涵 Chiao-Han

兼任職能治療師 Adjunct OT

江巧涵為樂欣日間照顧中心兼任職能治療師,主要協助服務對象身體及日常生活功能定期評估。Chiao-Han serves as an adjunct OT for LOVE&JOY and primarily performs regular assessment of physical functions and ADL.

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