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林思潔 Ssu-Chieh

社會工作師 Certified Social Worker




Ssu-Chieh Lin serves as a certified social worker for LOVE&JOY(XIMEN) and primarily provides to seniors counseling, psychosocial assessments, developing and implementing individualized care plans, and facilitating communication and collaboration among care team. She also helps connect community resources and offers emotional support for seniors and their family members.

Prior to joining LOVE&JOY, Ssu-Chieh worked as a homecare supervisor. Her job duties include managing field employee schedules and caseload, coordinating service content and time with seniors and their family members, continuously visiting and following-up, and ensuring continued quality of care and service. Before this, Ssu-Chieh has also served as a certified nursing aide and a certified social worker in adult daycare center. The skills she developed in these roles, including case management skills, interpersonal skills, and communication skills, as well as her observant personality make she competent for her new position.

Ssu-Chieh graduated from Department of Gerontology and Health Care Management, Chang Gung University of Science and Technology, and Department of Senior Citizen Services, National Tainan Junior College of Nursing. She is a Certified Social Worker and has acquired Certified Nursing Aide Certification as well.


  • 失智症照顧服務20小時訓練課程

  • 身心障礙支持服務核心課程 20 小時訓練課程

  • 基本救命術訓練課程(CPR+AED)

林思潔 Ssu-Chieh
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