秦菀憶 Irene
主任暨護理師 Director/RN
秦菀憶(Irene)擔任樂欣日間照顧中心(西門)主任一職。 她指導中心日常運營、評鑑與核銷作業。此外,Irene負責維護和管理新的和現有的社會資源連結 - 包含長照、醫療及社區資源。
Wan-Yi Chin (Irene) serves as the director of LOVE&JOY (XIMEN). She directs day-to-day operations, evaluation and write-off. In addition, Irene directs the sourcing and managing of new and existing resources for social connection - including long term care, medical treatment, and community resources.
Prior to joining LOVE&JOY, Irene worked as a clinical registered nurse in Intensive Care Unit Department, Chi Mei Medical Center for 8 years. She worked directly with critically ill patients to ensure they receive the attention and medical care needed based on their condition. The skills she developed in this role, including observational skills, problem-solving skills, and decision-making skills as well as her vigilant personality make she competent for her new position.
Irene graduated from College of Nursing, Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology and has been taking on-the-job trainings. She passed Dementia Care Exam in 2022, in addition to earn the certification of Senior Fitness Specialist (NASM-SFS).
長期照護專業人員 Level 3 整合性課程訓練
失智症醫事專業 8 小時基礎及進階訓練課程
身心障礙支持服務核心課程 20 小時訓練課程
基本救命術訓練課程(BLS+BTLS & CPR+AED)
西點蛋糕烘焙技術士 - 丙級